Warming up on the treadmill. |
Hi everyone, this is Zephyr! Ya that's right it's me, and I am doing really well and wanted to tell you all about it. I'm still going for physical therapy once a week. Going to physical therapy is kind of like going to a spa where they treat you like a king. It's all about you. Look how nice and relaxing the decor is. I feel like I'm taking a walk in the forest when I'm on the treadmill. And look close at those pictures above the treadmill.
Inspiring everyone at the spa! |
That's right, it's yours truly! There to inspire all the recovering animals with my awesome athleticism and the joy of running free. I think this will really get them treading along. Those are pictures of me during my very first lure coursing run when I was just a babe at 18 months old. Notice the picture of Mom laying down? After my run I didn't want to stop. I only came back and stopped running when I thought she was being attacked by a crazy lady. I'm a good boy like that. The other picture is of my friends, family, and me on an excellent hike in the mountains. We are all powering up the trail. Btw, my friends Friday and Linus also have a photo display to inspire everyone.
Can't this thing go any faster? |
I have really been getting in shape, loosing my extra weight and building muscle. Mom says that I am in even better shape now than in these photos.
Riding the wave |
I'm really working on my core strength. I do lots of things with balance that use all my little muscles.
Check me out! |
I'm a natural on the pods. These really help me use all my muscles from my toes and up through my whole body. When I'm on the equipment Dr. Lisa gently rocks me from side to side to really use my muscles. Oh, and do you want to know the other reason it's really like being at a spa? They feed you really good food the whole time!
Can you see the sparkle in my eyes? |
Also, each session ends with a laser treatment that is like having a relaxing and energizing healing massage. Mmmm, Mom is so jealous.
Wow Zephyr, so proud of you. What a great job you are doing working so hard!!!
Happy Turkey Day,
Karen & the Hound
He's doing great!
Those pods under his paws are awesome. Was it hard to train him to balance on them? I think Jack would absolutely freak out!
Well that looks fantastic! You are one lucky Grey! Deccy x
I'm glad PT is going well. Love the pod exercise. That does look hard.
Wow, Zephyr! You really are inspiring! I've never seen those balance pods before, weren't you scared of them the first time? Your physical therapy place looks lovely, and everyone seems really friendly! I think I might be jealous, you look like you're having a lot of fun!
I love the spa - especially the laser and the treats!!
Thats a wonderful PT place! wow! I wish we had one like that when Wyatt hurt is shoulder. Looking good!
If I ever need PT, I want to go to your place! :) So glad you're doing better Zephyr! :D
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! :D
Waggin at ya,
wow, standing on those little pod things looks hard!
Aw, I just love the name Zephyr, what a beautiful boy he is! He must have had an injury? I am glad he is getting in good shape! He looks like he loves it there!
Gosh, standing on those pods is very impressive, Zephyr! Was it hard to learn? I can't imagine Frankie standing still on them and I can't imagine Beryl even standing on them! I can understand your Mum being jealous of your PT, I am too. You're looking great, Beryl is very impressed as well;)
Isn't it amazing what a good PT can do for you? I'm so glad that you can get PT to help you get your hops back, Zephyr!
Thanks to your mom for her wonderful comment yesterday.
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