"Don't bother me with chicken treats, I must focus" |
Zephyr and Astro are doing well. Zephyr has started physical therapy with our friend Dr. Lisa. He's only been three times, but so far it's going well. Each session starts with the treadmill. He did great getting used to it but it takes a lot of concentration. Zephyr doesn't even want chicken treats when he's on it, too distracting. He is in complete focus when he's treading. It was so funny the first time he got on and realized it was moving. He got this look on his face like "Excuse me, there is something very seriously wrong with this!"
Nice Tush! |
Since it's cooled off lately, 50's and 60's, Zephyr's had much better energy. He's been able to get out on walks a lot more often and he's been able to do many walks an hour long. We've even added some hills, but not super steep. His muscle tone is improving all over, especially in his rear. Zephyr's left lower back and rear leg are weaker because he had an injury and he's right pawed. So, a lot of his physical therapy focuses on strengthening his left rear leg to prevent it from being injured when he's being a crazy boy.
Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down. |
The wobble board is great because you can really target certain muscles. Zephyr's also been on the ball. The first time he tried the ball he actually hopped on top of it! I told him that was very advanced, but maybe he should go slowly. Last week he got the cold laser treatment on his rear and lower and middle back. It seemed to really relax him.
"Let's tear some things up!" |
Zephyr and Astro have been enjoying many other forms of physical therapy and stress relief. They love to tear paper. Sometimes Zephyr will help himself to the recycling bin and rip into some good paper. Or, I'll find the milk container in the bedroom.
"Take that prescription bag!" |
The transition to Keppra and off phenobarbital is going well. As far as I know there have been no other partial seizures. It's a slow process and we still have about two weeks until he's totally off. Tomorrow is the first day of 22.5mg, he was at 60mg. Hopefully I'll be able to reduce the procarbazine in the next week or so. I think it could have been reduced earlier but I didn't want to change two medicines at once.
"No more Risotto!" |
Astro's been doing great and we have actually been doing a lot of training which I'll try to post soon. He is really progressing in agility. I closed the channel weaves a week or so ago and now I'm working on removing the guides. We have a beautiful fall hike in the aspen trees planned with friends for this weekend.
"Is yours good?" "Ya, mines perfect. Is yours good?" "Ya, mine too." "Do you wanna trade?" "Uh ha, in a minute." |
I've been going to our local Sunday Farmers Market and getting the boys beef marrow bones from a local ranch. They love them! It's become a Sunday tradition.
"This one's good too." |
Recently we did a taste test of kibbles. Astro's first choice was Taste of the Wild High Prairie (bison). They had been eating EVO chicken and turkey, but I don't think they really loved it, especially Astro. I was also wanting to decrease Zephyr's calorie intake. Astro would not touch the Taste of the Wild Wetlands (duck). I once bought some raw duck for Zephyr and he had the same reaction. Astro's second choice was Blue Diamond Fish and Sweet potato, and his third choice was Blue Diamond Wilderness.
"Ya, it's the High Prairie." |
Zephyr started with the High Prairie, then went to the Wetlands (which was funny because it had the duck), then went back to the High Prairie. Zephyr ended up eating them all because, you know, when you're taking prednisone and phenobarbital, you could starve at any moment. So, I went with the Taste of the Wild High Prairie. Of course they still get some fresh cooked meet and EVO canned beef. I'm pretty sure my animals eat better than I do.
my dogs would love to do that taste test, I'm sure!
I think most of us do better than our humans! Deccy x
You love your hounds so much! I'm glad Zephyr is doing well with the med change. I wish my mum would give me a food test!
Zephyr looks very pleased with all his physical therapy, and is inventing some of his own with his shredding:) And Astro isn't being left out of the fun either! Sounds like both boys are doing really well, Zephyr with his med dosage coming down and Astro with his agility. Looking forward to seeing some video:)
The food taste test looks like fun for everyone:) Hope everything keeps improving for you all!
So glad Zephry is doing well with his physio.
Song says she happy to taste test anything anyone wants to send her:)
Hope you enjoy your hike this weekend.
Glad his physical therapy is going well. I'm sure he's looking forward to being able to keep up with Astro on the trails.
glad that Zephyr is doing better.
I actually did the taste test in food like that one time, it was hilarious to see which ones they liked best!
Our girls eat Taste of the Wild Wetlands, but we haven't tried any of the other flavors. They'd been on chicken before and we figured that was a safe bet. Now I can see Bunny wanting to give that buffalo a try, though! She seems to like having the same things as Zephyr and Astro! ;)
Our farmer's market is already closed for the season and I miss it!
Bunny says to tell Zephyr that she gives his buns of steel an eight and is sure they'll be a ten in no time after all that working out!
I'm so glad that Zephyr is doing better. The physical therapy looks awesome. It's great that he's doing so well with the treadmill... that's a toughy for dogs!
Have a great hike this weekend.
Taste testing in my house would never work. Bella would boycott it all and claim it was a trick of some sort and Daisy would gorge herself and make herself sick overeating!!
Olá querido amiguinho... Fazendo fisioterapia... Lindas as fotos e depois comidinha muito boa.
Eu fui viajar na casa de meus avós e ganhei uma linda sapinha, a Sassá. Você vai gostar.
Boa semana...
Aus da amiguinha do Brasil...
So glad therapy is going well! The medicine transition sounds like it is working too. This is all great news! I love the taste test idea....that was great! My fur kids eat 1/2 Blue Buffalo lamb/rice mixed with 1/2 Purina wieght management chicken/rice. They also get veggies with their meals. They love peas the best. Works out good for me, I hate peas!!
I want one of those wobble things!
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