The other day I was so happy to learn that the boys, the blog, and I were given an Inspiration Award by Itsa Greyt Day! This was really nice because she said the reason she gave us the award was because of how I have been taking care of Zephyr and handling everything with his encephalitis and recovery. It's amazing how a few kind words from someone you don't even know can help you out and make you smile. If you haven't already, you should check out the beautiful pictures at Itsa Greyt Day and Itsa Greyt Day for a Photo. These hounds have a truly talented mom!
Friends Marlies and Mathew came over for dinner last night, so the big boy got lots of lovin'.
So did the little boy.
A quick Zephyr update before I pass on the award. He is doing well and I've been getting him out on more walks. We go out in the morning and/or evening for easy walks about 30 minutes long. He did have another seizure last Monday, so much for the every one month idea. This one was short, less than two minutes. All of his seizures have happened in the early morning or middle of the night. I read that seizures usually happen when they are really relaxed, so this makes since. His phenobarbital dose was doubled to 45mg twice a day. This is still a low dose for a dog his size. Dr. Knowles probably would have liked to start him at 60mg twice a day when he went back on the phenobarbital, but I was really worried about the side effects so we started low and are now working up. This last seizure was much shorter than the previous one, 5-7 minutes, but only one week from the previous. After going to 45mg twice a day Zephyr had some side effects for about 48 hours but they weren't bad. Just some slipping of the feet or slight incoordination, some hyperactivity, and maybe some drowsiness. The hyperactivity seemed to occur about 11 - 12 hours after having a dose. Then he'd be wanting to play and run and I'd notice the slipping more then. I had to make him calm down a couple times. I think the side effects were pretty minimal though and were gone after 48 hours. Hopefully we'll get the seizures under control.
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded this to you.
2. Link posts by you and ten fellow bloggers that you find inspirational.
It's sure hard to pick only 10 blogs, but here goes. If this is your second Inspiration Award, then it's doubly Inspirational. :-) And, if you don't do the award thing because your off doing lots of other fun things, it's no problem.
1. Two Greyhound Town is a blog that was usually written by Jack the Greyhound, with the occasional post from Scout his sister, or their Momma. Very sadly and suddenly Jack passed away this month from cancer. Jack inspired me because he was a very funny hound who had me laughing many times. He also had great insight and ideas about many topics. Now his sister Scout has decided to try and keep the blog going. I think she's a little unsure of this, but I know she will do a great job. Their Momma is also doing a great job of taking care of Scout and getting out on some new adventures during this really hard time.
2. Never Say Never Greyhounds is the first greyhound blog that found. Jennifer Bachelor and her greyhounds do agility, obedience, and lots of other fun things and have achieved some very outstanding accomplishments. Her blog has really inspired me to do more, and to hang in there, with my boys. Her blog was also one of the inspirations for me to start Hiking Hounds.
3. The splorin' Wolfies is a blog of the adventures of two Irish Wolfhounds, Guinness and Maggi, in Nova Scotia. Maggi is a new addition to the family who came after they lost Saige at a very young age. Maggi is about 4 years old and was rescued from a bad situation, I think it was a bad breeding program, maybe a puppymill, and Maggi is blind. Despite all this she adjusted so well to her new loving family and all of the great adventures they go on. I have a friend who's boxer is about 3 years old and losing his eyesight. I've shared Maggi's story and adventures with her many times.
4. Jennifer Zalewski is an artist who's subject is often greyhounds. She and her hounds are always off doing something fun. She did lose Clifford not long ago and a year ago or so she lost Lucy. Jack has big shoes to fill, but he's doing a great job of course. Every time I see Jennifer's drawings I think to myself "You need to start drawing again, go take a class".
5. Genji's Corner is a blog by Gyeong about A LOT of hounds! In fact, it is not uncommon to see about ten different hounds and dogs sprawled out in their living room. In addition, they are often taking care of other hounds or dogs for friends while they are out of town. And they are usually off doing some fun things like their recent trip to Barkwell's, so cool. I love Beth, a 13 year old recent addition to the family who seems to have fit right in, despite the nick name of "Grouchy Pants".
6. Jets's Furkid Palace is a Down Under blog about Barbie, Bender, FrouFrou, and Mittens. Barbie is the first greyhound to earn the CGC certification in Western Australia. This is really cool because people are still learning about Greyhounds in Australia and in some places or states they still have to wear their muzzle when they are out in public.
7. Aragon Greyhounds is authored by a group of people who all have greyhounds from the same litter of puppies. They are all active and successful in training, showing, agility, and obedience. I've gotten a lot of good training ideas from them and ideas about new things to try with the dogs. Someday we're going to give Tracking a try.
8. Terri's Knitblog is about three of my favorite things; greyhounds, knitting, and food (often scrumptious baked goods). Terri is the designer of a knitted greyhound sweater pattern that I've just started making. They lost Sabrina during the winter and now have the new addition Ava who is a cutey.
9. Greyhounds Can Sit is another Down Under blog, from New Zealand, about Beryl the greyhound and Frankie the pig dog. I love the name of this blog and it says a lot about what they do. They are also always learning and trying new things including doggie dancing recently. She also does a lot with letting people in New Zealand, and elsewhere, know about greyhounds.
10. Learning About Life With Greys is an Alabama based blog about Dan, Set, Gypsey, and Trixie. Their mom works as a veterinarian technician, which can be hard sometimes. I really admire her willingness to deal with some of the bad situations she has to sometimes. I can't imagine how frustrating it is. They also live near the area that was devastated by the tornadoes recently. Luckily they were okay.
I hope you all enjoy these great blogs!
I have to agree, you've definitely picked some great blogs!
I'm glad to hear that Zephyr is doing better. Hopefully he'll be able to handle the phenobarb and it will help curb the seizures!
some new blogs for me on that list, I will have to check them out :))
hopefully there will be a happy place with medication dosage that will minimise the seizures.
Well done on the award.
Glad Zephyr is doing well. Hope the seizures are soon a thing of the past.
Sue & Song
Thank you so much for this lovely award:) We are very flattered and looking forward to passing it on. Wonderful list of blogs you selected, it narrows down my choices unless I double up, and I don't suppose it matters if I do:)
Well, poor you and Zephyr. I have a close relative who has seizures and I've seen them first hand and know what an awful experience it is. I hope you can find the right dosage to stop them in Zephyr but it might take a bit of trial and error. I salute you for all the effort you're putting in to getting him right ... not to mention the money. Which I don't think you've ever mentioned. I am seriously impressed and inspired by you too:)
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of some new blogs and congratulations on your award.
I agree that your blog is an inspiration.
Love and licks, Winnie
Thank you very much for the award. We are honored.
Zephyr is in our thoughts. We hope the medication helps.
thank you for the update and the list of blogs! You are definitely deserving of this award :)
A few tweaks with the meds, and hopefully Zephyr will be seizure-free soon. Thanks for the award. Glad you enjoy reading my blog.
Thanks for the inspiration award! Very sweet of you. :-)
Congrats on the award! I admit that having a baby (well, now 15 month toddler) means that I don't read blogs as often as I sometimes want to, but just wanted to say that I'm glad Zephyr is doing better and hope the seizures get under control for good. I can't imagine how scary it must be, but thanks for sharing your experiences with us.
I know you've already been given this award, but I have passed it on to you again. You really have been inspirational in the way you have dealt with Zephyr's illness.
Stop by my blog to pick the award up.
Hope you and the boys are doing ok.
Thanks guys! Very kind of you.
Yay Zephyr!
Okay, I'm VERY late on the uptake... {insert blonde joke}... but thank you so much for the award!! :) We very much appreciate it! So nice of you... :)
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