Zephyr is doing great today! His energy is up, he was playful this morning and when I checked on him at lunch. He's had two days of good meals. This is so funny I have to share it. After his dinner he went out to go potty, his first poop in two and a half days. When he was done he was so happy the next thing I know he's running right at me! I grabbed him because he was heading for the stairs, he ended up darting up them anyway. When we got on the deck we played a little. Then I put him back on leash and let Astro out. They had a romping mouthing session that almost got out of control. At one point Zephyr bounced over Astro. :-) I calmed it down after that. Then Astro decided it was time to zoom around the yard. Zephyr was so ready to go! I had to hold him back as he barked it up watching Astro zoom around for a few minutes. Then I took him down the stairs to the yard and he proceeded to drag me around wanting to go run and play. I didn't let this go on too long, I didn't want him to over do it, which he always has tendency to do anyway. When we headed back up the stairs he went so fast I dropped the leash because I couldn't keep up. Woo Hoo! Now he is sound asleep again hopefully doing lots of healing.

Here's the guy right after coming home on Wednesday. He lost about 8 pounds and he's supposed to stay warm, so I've been obsessively putting blankets on him and making him wear his coats (double wrapped in the morning and night). In fact he looks very similar to this picture right now. :-)
This is a little later on Wednesday. Too tired to stand up, but not too tired to get in a little play time with brother.
Can you tell comfort is important in this house? This was Thursday. See his battle wounds on his arms? His belly is shaved too. At first I thought about having Astro stay with my parents for a few days when Zephyr came home. I thought maybe he would be too rowdy and cause trouble while Zephyr was in his crate when I was gone. I'm so glad I didn't. They were so happy to see each other!! Astro has been great. Today was the first time in over five days he's ran around outside and he hasn't even been able to go for a walk. Poor guy. Normally two days pushes him over the edge. I think he knows Zephyr is sick, I swear he's even been a little more protective of the house and yard. I know it has really helped Zephyr to have Astro with him.
I am so happy to hear that he's feeling better! Those pictures of him are great, too. He looks so happy and content. Is he wearing his tummy warmer around the house then?
Bunny says to remember that chicks dig scars, Zephyr! ;)
I'm glad he is doing better. Sweet how Astro is trying to help out. Love the 'horizontal playing' photo - Barbie does that a lot with her brother, when she can't be bothered standing anymore.
I am so glad Zephyr is coming on so well. It sure sounds like Astro realises what's going on and is behaving accordingly.
Very glad to hear Zephyr is doing so much better! :)
Yay! So happy to hear he is feeling a ton better. After not pooping for 2 1/2 days, I'm sure it must have felt great!
It sounds like Astro is giving him a lot of moral support, what a great bro :)
Hope he continues to make a full and speedy recovery.
Awesome news and awesome photos:) It's wonderful to see Zephyr looking happy and relaxed and great that Astro is giving him lots of careful play time. Well, sometimes! Looking forward to more happy stories!
oh my GOSH! i have just caught up on Zephyr--how scary! Thank God he has you and seems to be on the up side of things! we will keep him close in our thoughts and prayers!
So good to hear he is feeling better. You must be so relieved! Hope he continues his recovery quickly.
So glad to hear that Zephyr is recording so nicely. I'm sure Astro is looking forward to get his play partner back.
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