After having lots of fun on
Saturday , Zephyr passed his CGC (Canine Good Citizen) test on Sunday. He's such a good boy! The test was put on by the
Flagstaff Kennel Club. We had tried this one other time a few years ago but he didn't pass because he barked during the 3 minute away. I have to admit that the reason he didn't pass is that Zephyr has a bit of separation anxiety for which I take full responsibility. Zephyr is my first dog, we have always done everything together, and he does not like to be left alone or with someone he is not completely bonded to (there's no one like that) when we are out and about doing things (he's fine at home). Zephyr is also very vocal, he is not one of those silent greyhounds that you read about (and that's fine with me). But, he will let you know exactly what he thinks about certain situations by whining, "talking", "singing", and bark, bark, barking. These situations include, but are not limited to; there are people/dogs walking by on the road (he's actually an excellent watch dog), I'm bored, you're sitting on my couch, you've been on the computer too long, and especially you've left me here alone in this stupid crate or with someone I don't really know.

With Lisa, our evaluator, after getting his CGC. The test was held in a large building that is part of a car dealership. Pictures in front of the fancy lime green car were complimentary.
So, I waited until I thought he had improved some to try it again. Actually the day before at the agility match he did really well when I walked away from his crate. He did bark, especially when I was out walking the course. But as the day went on I could walk away for a few minutes and by the end of the day I was on the other side of the field talking for some time and he was quiet. He did a great job during the test!
Here we are with everyone that was part of the crowd. The person that Zephyr is smiling at is Liz (in yellow), he's an admiring student of hers. ;-) Since puppyhood we have taken all of our Kindergarten, Obedience, and Rally classes from Liz. Zephyr is grateful that she has done an excellent job of training me! :-)
Congrats on passing the test!
well done! Barbie is going for her CGC soon, probably in January, and her only problem is people looking in her mouth. Barbie is getting more vocal, 'feed me', 'get off the couch and walk me' 'play with me' 'let me out of the crate for wees' 'get out of bed' 'make room on the bed for me' 'OMG YOUR HOME' ... it all sounds like 'aaaaaah so saaaaaaaaaad' to the uninitiated.
Clever you and Zephyr, well done! I'm way too lazy to do much training with my dogs, but I really should do CGC with Beryl.
Well done. Zephyr sure looks pleased:)
Kudos to Zypher! I've heard of the CGC, and a friend of mine with Golden Retrievers has taken them to the CGC training.
I'd like to do that with Bernie, but I think a basic obedience class might be first :-)
Way to go Zephyr!! Can't wait to see you at an agility trial.
Congrats :)
Congrats on passing the CGC! We just took ours at the end of September.
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