"Off Leash Canyon" is Zephyr's favorite place to go hiking because, as the name suggests, he gets to run off leash.
I don't really know what the real name of the canyon is but it leads in to Kelly Canyon. Off Leash is about a 5 minute drive from our house, which is also nice.
It is a beautiful little canyon that is green and full of flowers in the summer, has nice canyon walls that make it unattractive for deer and that Zephyr won't run out of, and is almost always devoid of humans. I would say that we see people there maybe 20% of the time and they have always been very nice.
So, Zephyr gets to run free and fast in the canyon.
And, believe it or not, Zephyr is great off leash (unless he sees a dog, human, or deer, which is why we hike here). He generally doesn't like us to be out of his sight too long and will wait or come check in, and he responds to a recall by turning and running up to me.
The only bummer is we can't hike here during the winter because of snow. We're taking advantage of the nice fall weather a lot lately.
What a cute butt!